Gaining a competitive edge during the pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone. The lockdowns, the need to follow social distancing--though indispensable--have been tough on individuals and also resulted in a lot of revenue loss to businesses. For SMBs though, this time has been particularly difficult, with a general downturn in the economy and the job losses, which has been affecting people’s ability to make purchases. In the middle of all these challenges, SMBs are grappling with yet another issue--the need to keep their business running, even remotely in some cases. A lot of businesses had a tough time adapting to the work-from-home setup. Since this sudden transition to the work-from-home model was largely unplanned, a lot of them became victims of cybercrime and many more are being targeted even as you read this. If you're one of those businesses that implemented the WFH model overnight, then it’s time you paid attention to the cybersecurity angle of it. Here ...